Saturday, December 4, 2010


I gazed through Hannah's strong New Zealand back and sexy swaying hips and grew lost in a haze of her physical beauty. Her inquisitive, innocent British face whose wide eyes probe deep, asking questions from an intelligent brain. Phys.Ed shall be fun! I felt sorry for Christine as I made my attendance rounds for she looked so lonely in the back of a Grade 12 Physics class. My arrival probably caused an even more tragic event: 1st semester recollections--now a casualty. Also on my rounds I stopped in Meagan, Erin, and John's class making a casual effort to glance at HER and concentrated one to be funny. Consequently, her laugh did serenade my lonely ears. Mark S. can be extremely inconsiderate, making remarks which I classify as "Divorce Dialect" (bitterness--Freudian--from his parents' split). The Bachelor Auction controversy began, with Andrew P. receiving the bulk. Geoff tries too hard to point out a victory over me, where I have slipped and he is right. I cannot classify this superiority "complex." "Complex" leads me to psychology and perhaps jealousy. Sarah grazed and glanced past/in our Accounting class and I melted.